Templates to Personalize Your Outreach
If you purchased Do-It-Yourself products for your laser printer or copier, you may find the following templates useful in adding your personalized information. To use the Templates, Microsoft Word 6.0/95 or greater is required.

Large Postcards (8.5 x 5.5):
Template for Mailing- Word07

Bulletin Shells (ImpactBulletinsTM):

Door Hangers (DoorHangersTM):

Engager Invitations:
Template - Word07

Engager Companion DoorHangers:
Template - Word07

Invitations (InviteCardsTM):
Template - Word07
Template - Word07

Brochures (InfoBrochuresTM):

Tickets (InviteTicketsTM):

Bulletin Inserts:

Back To Church Sunday Name Tags
Layout Tips: