Street Smarts Digital Church Kit
SKU: CK2298067
In all of God’s infinite wisdom, he has designed our world to work and function in a certain way. The key to living the full life in Christ is working with God’s intention rather than against it. In order to do this, we need Godly wisdom. We need to be street smart. It begins with a fear of God, a close watch on what we allow in our hearts, knowing we don’t know everything, and watching how we speak to others.
Take your church and community on a journey to discover true godly wisdom that we can use every day to make decisions and live a fuller life.
Kit Includes:
- 4 customizable sermons:
•Week 1 - Where Wisdom Begins
•Week 2 - What We Allow In Is What We Become
•Week 3 - Limitation of Human Understanding
•Week 4 - Words Are Powerful
- 4 New videos: Invite, Bumper, Series Trailer and Countdown
- Web and social media graphics
- Social Media Guide
- Sermon slide background graphics in standard, wide and square formats
All kit contents are licensed for online use and streaming.
To download the Street Smart sermon sample click here
The Street Smarts digital church kit has all the videos that you need to invite and welcome visitors and make your service feel engaging and cohesive. This kit includes videos to invite and welcome visitors to your series.
Street Smarts Video Bumper Preview
Street Smarts Countdown Preview
Street Smarts Invite Video Preview
Beautiful Design on The Big Screen
Want to have beautifully-designed content to pair with sermons but don’t want to spend hours creating presentation slides? We have got you covered with engaging slide background graphics that work with Powerpoint or any other presentation software!

Use Social Media to Create Excitement
With all the social media graphics in the Street Smarts digital church kit, you do not need to stress about what to post to get the people in your community excited about your series.