Christian Speaker and author Alex McFarland is an advocate for Christian apologetics. He has taught everywhere from churches and university campuses to schools and prisons. Alex arms his audiences with the tools to defend their faith while empowering the unchurched to find out the truth for themselves. 
Christian Speaker Brad Mitchell is the Senior Pastor of The River Church in Cincinnati, OH; previously he served on staff at Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. Brad draws on a wealth of talent and experience in communicating to a wide variety of audiences.
Christian Speaker Vic Murphy shares the Gospel as a world-renowned pro and pioneer in BMX and other extreme sports. He appears for youth groups, school assemblies and crusades that include Luis Palau Festivals and Horizon Festival of Life, along with frequent appearances on Extreme Life TV and on the Luis Palau DVD Livin’ It. Using humor and everyday illustrations, Vic communicates in today’s language the timeless truths and infallibility of the Bible.
Dr. Jeff Myers is president of Summit Ministries, a highly respected worldview training program whose tens of thousands of graduates are making a difference in politics, law, academics, medicine, science, and business. In the last 20 years Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. Focus on the Family founder James Dobson referred to him as “a very gifted and inspirational young leader.” 
Part speaker, author, visionary and ALL minister, David Nasser’s greatest passion is to connect people to the living God. David uses relevant methods to communicate the life-changing messages of the gospel to more than 700,000 people annually. He is one of the nation’s foremost speakers to young adults.
Daniel Ritchie was born without arms and spent the majority of his life being told that he was a hopeless mistake and woefully insufficient to lead a full life.  But, God used a preacher to share with Daniel just how much God loved him.  The preacher explained that he was not a mistake, but rather “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) and it was there, at the age of 15, that Daniel accepted Christ as his Lord & Savior.
Jase travels with his wife, Missy, to various hunting expeditions and speaking engagements all across the country. He is a very talented and entertaining speaker who touches the lives of many through his stories of hunting experiences, knowledge of ducks, and witty anecdotes about life – along with the hope he has found through his Savior, Jesus Christ.
Raised in a Jewish home in New Jersey, Rabbi  "Times Roman";">Jason Sobel dedicated much of his life to finding truth. After years of seeking and studying, he encountered the Lord and found his true destiny as a Jewish follower of Jesus (Yeshua). Suddenly, all the traditions Rabbi Jason grew up with took on new depth and meaning as God connected ancient wisdom with the teachings of the Messiah.
Dr. Wess Stafford is President Emeritus of Compassion International, one of the world’s largest Christian child development organizations, partnering with more than 60 denominations and 7,000 local churches to serve nearly 2 million children in 26 countries. Wess is an internationally recognized advocate for children in poverty, speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Chris Swanson is a 4 time Ironman finisher, an author, college instructor, Sheriff in Flint Michigan, and a motivational speaker. He has a passion for changing lives and he has dedicated his life's work to doing so through passionate teaching and personal motivation.