Part speaker, author, visionary and ALL minister, David Nasser’s greatest passion is to connect people to the living God. David uses relevant methods to communicate the life-changing messages of the gospel to more than 700,000 people annually. He is one of the nation’s foremost speakers to young adults.
Dominique Dawes is a retired United States artistic gymnast. Known in the gymnastics community as 'Awesome Dawesome,' she is  3-time Olympic gymnast and a motivational speaker to athletes, young women, university students, and organizations everywhere. 
Dr. Cloud is a clinical psychologist, leadership consultant, best-selling author, and speaker. He has written and co-written more than twenty books, including the two-million-seller Boundaries, Necessary Endings, Integrity, The One Life Solution, The Law of Happiness, and 9 Things You Simply Must Do.
Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known Christian psychologist, speaker, parenting-expert, and award-winning author of the New York Times bestseller, Have A New Kid by Friday. He is a radio and television personality and has taught and entertained audiences worldwide with his wit and common sense psychology.
Ed Stetzer, Ph.D., is a professor and dean at Wheaton College where he also serves as Executive Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center
Christian Speaker Eric Bryant is an author, church leader and Christian speaker who uses scripture, humor and life experiences for evangelism, weekend services and church outreach events.
Author of Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery and Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. He was the keynote speaker at the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC. 
Orator, author and artist Eric Samuel Timm captivates audiences with his unique teaching and preaching style enhanced by unforgettable live art performances.
Five time cancer survivor, Erin encourages her audience to come alongside the next generation of girls to discover God’s love and their unique purpose. She is committed to changing the world’s current definition of beauty. 
Christian Speaker Frank Turek is a dynamic speaker, explorer and co-author of award-winning books, I Don’t have Enough Faith to be an Atheist and Legislating Morality. A dynamic and engaging speaker, Frank persuades audiences of the truth of Christianity with his unique blend of logic, humor and hard evidence.