Which Design Do You Want to Explore?

Rocky Railway
Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway! On this faith-filled adventure, kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life's ups and downs.
These images are used with permission from Group Publishing Inc. ©2019

Wilderness Escape
At Wilderness Escape VBS, you'll reinforce Bible truth in a big way because the daily Bible Point is carefully integrated into each activity. God's Word comes alive through engaging interaction with Bible history!
These images are used with permission from Group Publishing Inc. ©2019
Using a Different VBS Curriculum? These Tools Fit Any Program
Stash that felt board into the closet! The new "Curved Colors" suite is a lively explosion of color designed to make all kids smile and know they are
in their very own place. The big, bold, easy-to-read font and bright trendy color palette
will shake up your kids ministry and VBS, and get Kids
excited to come to church each week. Make Kids Ministry fun again!
Hosting a Movie Outreach Event