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Seasons of Gray Movie License

SKU: DL1599792


A modern day Joseph story.

Hated and betrayed by his brothers, Brady ray is forced offof the family ranch and must start a new life in Dallas. With a good job and a promosing romance, better days see to lie ahead until Brady is framed or a crime he didn't commit.

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About The Film

Seasons of Gray


89 minutes




Brady Gray was always the favorite son. Overcome by jealousy, his brothers resort to an unforgivable crime to drive him away from their father's ranch. Brutally beaten and hauled away to an uncertain destiny. Brady chooses to forget the past and start anew. Yet his troubles are just beginning. Falsely accused of assaulting his new boss's wife, he ends up in prison. Daring to believe there may be some purpose in his suffering,he's given a chance to turn his life around. At long last, success brings him the opportunity to decide the fates of the men who wronged him. But what man intends for evil, God uses for good. This simple, yet powerful, message is all he has left. Brady mush now decide whether acts of cruelty or the hand of Providents will mark the seasons of his life.