Our Story |

Founded in 1996, Outreach Inc. has a heart for the local church because we started out of a church plant. We exist to help churches build bridges to the unchurched in order to more effectively, and more often, share Christ with them. We love helping churches reach more people for less money.
Over the years, Outreach has grown from helping a handful of local churches to over 163,000 churches across the United States. As culture and technology has changed, Outreach has been on the cutting edge, adding digital products, sermon series resources, movie licensing, and more.
What makes us different is that we stand by our products and have a guaranteed low price on direct mail, which is one of the most effective ways to reach thousands of people in the community.
Now headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO, and with employees spread across the U.S., Outreach has been certified as a Best Christian Workplace since 2016, and recognized as a Best Workplace by the Colorado Springs Gazette newspaper annually since 2017.

Our Mission and Vision |
The Mission of Outreach:
To equip the Church to reach people with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Vision of Outreach:
To reach every person in America with a personal invitation to a Bible-believing church!
We believe that day is not too far in the future! We would love to have your church or ministry come alongside us!
We Would Love to Help Your Church or Ministry |
Outreach offers the most comprehensive list of products and services in the industry paired with a team of caring consultants who have worked in ministry as pastors and lay leaders to help you get the resources you need!
We can provide your church or ministry access to state-of-the-art printing equipment, compelling graphics and design, and effective print and digital communication tools, so you can reach the lost in your community.
We make it easy for you to get the tools you need by providing a variety of services: From full custom design by professional Graphic Designers, to our innovative Online Editor that lets you do your own customization, to fast printing services for customers who have their own designs!
In addition to church communication products, Outreach Inc. also includes other divisions including:
Outreach Magazine, Equip Press, Outreach Speakers, SermonCentral.com, ChurchLeaders.com, FaithIt.com, ForEveryMom.com, and more.